Jenna Swan, like the bird.

Hi there! I’m Jenna, a problem solver + visual storyteller currently helping clients serve their users through human-centered design. I love creating detailed user flows, beautiful UI's and complex prototypes, and am learning to code! My work is all about distilling complex problems into delightful designs through research, workshops, and whole lot of sticky notes.

A strength of mine is that I lean on data-driven methodologies and research. My colleagues like working with me for my proactivity, knack for thinking outside the box, and strong GIF game. I believe in ethical design, playfulness, and a spirit (and practice) of collaboration.

After hours you can find me museum hopping, biking around NYC, and training for a half marathon.

Reach out – I’d love to chat!
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I lived in Seville for seven years and treasure all things España: late night tapas, the smell of orange blossoms in the spring, winding cobblestone streets on my way to the market. If you are lucky enough to make your way to Seville, feel free to use my suggestions.

My dog. Your dog.

I adopted my Spanish Water Dog, Freddie (named after the inimitable Mr. Mercury), two years ago and haven’t looked back. How's your doggo doing in these trying times?

Growth Mindset

I've read and re-read Carol Dweck’s book and it’s been life-changing. The learner in me was moved by Dweck’s reminder that indeed knowledge, skills, and talent can be learned. After all, isn’t it far more freeing to work hard, try, and fail until we succeed, instead of freezing and, well, that’s all? I think so.

NYT Cooking

Those who know me best know that what I love best is NYT Cooking. May I recommend the Crisp Gnocchi, Lemony Turmeric Tea Cake, & Nor’easter? *chef’s kiss*


Travel & lifestyle are my personal favorites to shoot, and lately I’ve been admiring Micaiah Carter’s & Ana Lui’s work.

Your Favorite Podcast

Simply put, the podcast life is the life for me. Morning, day, and night! Revisionist History has been a longtime favorite and I’ve recently been engrossed in the spooky Radio Rental. Always taking recs!


A few favorites that I've shot
The coastline of San Sebastian, Spain.A shot of the sea and a ferry from Malta. A man running along the beach with a surfboard.The interior of a quaint bookstore in Bordeaux, France2 cacti in a window - Andalucía, SpainA shot from Lyon, FranceWoman walking down a street in Bordeaux, France.Sunny french villageParisian Sunset Rooftop